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Health Services

Health Director

Alicia Jones


Cell: (780) 524-7411

(780) 532-3009  Fax: (780) 532-3339

Patsy Campbell & MLA Todd Loewen

WCTC Talent Show 2020

Health Services Director, alicia jones

•As the Health Director of  WCTC my mandate is to provide support services and advocacy for the member nations of Duncan's First Nation, Horse Lake First Nation and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation.

•Advocate on the members nations behalf with ISC-FNIHB to enhance and expand health services for all WCTC Nations.

•Assist members with their own personal health related issues, including advocating on members behalf with Health Professionals.

•Create partnership with provincial and other Health professional entities to better enhance and expand Health services on our member Nations.

•Visit the communities weekly to assist with Health Administration and/or advocacy for individual members health related issues.

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